Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Passphrase Guilt

Logging on to my online banking, the system wasn't satisfied with just a password, it also wanted me to answer a security question.

What is your favorite pet's name?

My one and only pet laid at the foot of the bed. I typed the answer: Kitty. [Name changed to protect her identity and my cash-ola.]

The answer is incorrect. Kitty stares at me. What is your favorite pet's name?

"Maybe that's not how I spelled it when I created the account," I thought. I tried again: Kittie.

The answer is incorrect. What is your favorite pet's name? Kitty stares at me.

Sheepishly, I enter the name of my childhood dog and proceed with my banking. Kitty stares at me…in judgment.

(Yes, yes. I changed the answer after I logged on. Conscious clear.)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Peaceful Stroll

Briskly walking down the greenway near my apartment, the keys hanging from my lanyard start clicking together. The click-click-click starts to really ruin the serenity of my walk. I snatch them from my neck and shove them in my pocket. There, much better.

How is it that the simple click was annoying my stroll, but the sounds of Gogol Bordello coming from my iPod seemed perfectly natural?

HOLY S#^|!

That biker coming around me scared the crap out of me! Guess I better turn the volume down a bit…